Monday 24 November 2014

BOOK REVIEW: Livvy by Lori L. Otto (final installment of the Choisie Series)

 5 stars!

What a ride Lori Otto has taken us on! From sweet sixteen to first love, to heartache and breakups, we have seen Livvy through her journey to becoming a woman. And I am so damn proud of her! We've seen Livvy make some really bad decisions, and say some really hurtful things.  We've seen how heartbreak can fuel her creativity.  We've seen a teenager rebelling against her restraints, for good and bad.  We've seen Livvy devastated.  But all of this has, together with her loving family, and her wonderful boyfriend, helped make Livvy into the kind of woman we could all wish to be, and the kind of woman we would be proud to have as our daughter.

I truly think that this book is the pinnacle of Lori Otto's writing.  And that's taking nothing away from Lori's previous books.  They are in no way "less".  But Livvy IS "more".  I can't quite put my finger on it.  Nothing in Livvy surpasses the emotion of Time Stands Still.  There is nothing more beautiful than the words written in Dear Jon.  Maybe it's just that we've been on this journey with Livvy and it means so much to get to the end with her.  Lori's writing IS beautiful and the story told in Livvy IS emotional.  Maybe it's just that everything that has made Lori's previous books so delicious to read is wrapped up with a pretty pink bow in Livvy.  I don't know.

What I DO know is that if you have been on this journey with Livvy? This final installment will be everything you hoped for, and then some.

Livvy will be released on December the 9th, and look out for awesome release day festivites on Lori Otto's Author Page here.

For pre-order and buying information go here.