A spectacularly boring couple of weeks, with the exception of shopping and Snow White and her Huntsman.
Day 61: Carriages. Many, many carriages. |
This is at the Willem Prinsloo Agricultural Museum, where I should spending a few days every week from now on. Agriculture is not my thing, but a change is as good as a holiday, right? The museum also has an exceptional collection of wagons and carriages, as you can see.
Day 62: Two Haws shopping. |
SisHaw decided we needed a girl's day out. And for her that means shopping. I don't generally enjoy shopping. I like to go in, get what I need or want and go out again. No window shopping, no trying on clothes, no fuss. Generally though, I can't do that, as either I can't find what I'm looking for or I don't have the money. But this time I had a bit of spare cash and there was some stuff I needed. Winter linen, clothes to fit my ever expanding proportions, books, a fluffy blanket with cozy words written all over it.... Stuff I really NEEDED! All in all this was a very bad idea. I spent way too much money and so did SisHaw. And we bought stuff for each other as well. Oh well, we don't do it very often so I won't regret it.
This photo was taken at Mugg & Bean, the coffee shop/restaurant where we had lunch: quesadillas with herbed mushrooms. YUM! I may have a quesadilla problem thanks to Lori Otto. We also had a new drink there; warm apple juice with cinnamon and cloves and topped with cream and caramel syrup. Delicious.
Day 63: My whimsical purchase. |
When I was a little girl, I did a lot of dancing. For our one dance concerts, my tap class dressed as flappers from the 1920's, feathers included, and we each had a string of pearl beads around our necks, knotted at the bottom. I seem to remember we danced to a Glenn Miller number... Anyway, I loved those beads and when I was too cool to wear them around my neck, I wound them around my wrist. They must have broken or something, because they have been out of my life for many, many years and I often find myself wishing I had them. So when I saw these, I had to buy them!
Day 64: Museum break-in. |
When I got to work on this Monday, I was told that the museum had been broken into over the weekend. They through a rock through the window to get in. Fortunately, after going through the museum with all my inventories, I confirmed that nothing was taken. Which, according to my good friend BookwormBaby25, proves that they were looking for a place to have sex. Eeeeuw.
Day 65: Official Twitard. Thank you Amy!!! |
I won a giveaway on
Twitarded! TwiKiwi, who is getting more and more svelte with every passing day, found that her Forks 2011 t-shirt was too big for her. I, on the other hand, am experiencing quite the opposite to Amy, and I don't have a Twitarded shirt. I bought SisHaw one for her birthday last year, and I got myself a book bag, but no t-shirt for Nikki. So when STY mentioned TwiKiwi was being so generous I JUMPED at the opportunity. And above is the result. All this has made a very happy Duck!
Day 66: Snugly |
The blanket I purchased as mentioned above. It is so snugly and warm and I keep discovering new words! And it's reversible, so depending on my mood, I can have blue words or brown words.
Day 67: A stitch in time |
I knit. Yes I do. Not prolifically but still. I have recently discovered this weird yarn. It's more like a piece of woollen lace that you knit with. Anywhoodle, I can make nifty scarves in a couple of hours, which is really great when boredom hits.
Day 68: Winter supper. |
One of the many things I have learnt from reading fan fiction is that a 'thing' in America is grilled cheese sandwiches with tomato soup. This is not a 'thing' here. We have tomato soup OR toasted cheese sandwiches. So, living on the edge as I do, I decided to give this a whirl. And it is rather good!
Day 69: #SWATH day |
Meet CheeseHaw. Yes, once again they took me to see a movie I wanted to see. They are good at taking instruction. And where did we go after? Mugg & Bean to introduce the man to herbed mushroom quesadillas!
Oh, and I really enjoyed Snow White and the Huntsman. I enjoyed Chris Hemsworth far more than I thought I would. And I enjoyed Kristen with green eyes. We did giggle about the many Twilight-like moments though, and I have continued giggling with friends on Twitter.
Day 70: the days menu... |
This Harry Potter box set was my birthday present from CheeseHaw. And I still haven't finished watching it. There is so much to see on a BluRay dvd. On Sunday I got through the special features of The Philosophers Stone through to the special features on The Goblet of Fire. I haven't even got to the actual movies yet!
Day 71: Catalogue |
Part of my job at the moment is to sort out the mess of documents in the Kruger Collection. And while doing this I realised that the catalogue card system for the collection is also in a mess. So I'm tackling one thing at a time.
Day 72: Rearview |
Notice anything about this pic? That is the rearview mirror of a beetle. Yes, I am still driving my mother's beetle. The car whose air-conditioning consists of windows that don't close properly. And here we are in the middle (almost) of winter. It has given me a new appreciation of my car.
Day 73: Found lollipop! |
A few weeks ago I tweeted very excitedly that I'd found a lollipop. I was truly excited, as anyone would be. I was looking for something in my work bag and lo and behold, a cherry lollipop! Oh Happy Day. Well, guess what? The same thing happened today! It's not a cherry lollipop but still, it will do nicely. I think my work bag has some magical lollipop properties.
And the centre of the lollipop is filled with sherbet!
ReplyDeleteI want a lollipop purse ;)
What are some of the words on your blankie?
CheeseHaw is the nickname I gave my sister and her fiance, combined. They are cheesy. They got engaged on Valentines day ;-)
DeleteI can't remeber now, I'll have to check! I think 'blanket' is a word. And 'warm'. And 'pyjamas'...
Hey what happened to the Subscribe By Email for comments clickie?
ReplyDelete*shrugs* I just blog here. I don't actually know what's going on ;) But I'll have a looksee.