Wednesday, 6 November 2013

ELAF Group Read - The Happily Ever After Badge



These books. I've often said it, rereading these books is like visiting with old friends. It's comfortable and familiar, but it never gets boring. Each time I read them I learn something new about these characters that I love, that I missed the last time.

I never stop wishing that Nate didn't have to die. I never stop hoping that Emi would give Jack a chance. I never stop praying that Jack would give Emi one more chance.  I never don't sigh with satisfaction as I read the last line:

"and I never look back."
In the end, everybody got their happy ending. Yes, even Nate. I often find myself wondering what would've happened if Nate hadn't died.  I've even dragged Lori into this discussion with me.  And I think that, sure, somehow the three of them would have made their lives work, would have been content, but I also see a fair amount of disillusionment and disappointment. 
Maybe Emi was Nate's soulmate. And maybe Jack was Emi's. And maybe, everybody got everything they wanted in the end.

I enjoyed this group read so much, even if I had to scramble and play catch-up at the end.  And I will be grateful everyday that I stumbled upon these books.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

ELAF Group Read - The Broken Thumb badge


She punched him. She actually punched him. AND she totally punched him like a girl and injured herself in the process.  Not that she doesn't deserve it...

Granted, some of the things Jack says to Emi in this chapter may be a little harsh.  But she seriously needs a wake up call. I don't think Emi set out to string Jack along or hurt him in any way, but she hasn't really been considering his feelings either. She's just coasted along in a little comfort zone, not wanting to face any real decisions.

Well, Emi, my girl. It's time to put your big girl panties on and grab hold of that Jack and never, ever let him go!

Monday, 4 November 2013

ELAF Group Read - The Butterfly Ring Badge


Everything seems to be going perfectly for our couple. She's met the family and they love her (for the most part). They're talking marriage and babies and he just might've bought a ring (see above).

So why is she pulling away now? Why is distancing herself from the person who grounds her, gives her stability and security...?

Dun dun DUN...

Sunday, 3 November 2013

ELAF Group Read - The Rainbows and Unicorns Badge


Sigh. That Jackson Holland. He's ruined me for all other men. 

So, this chapter is (mostly) rainbows and unicorns, with Christmas thrown in for good measure, so it's like the best chapter ever written in the history of ever.  Things are looking good, really good, for our couple. But there are still a few storm clouds headed their (our) way. That's the way with life and one of the reasons I love these books so much. They're true to life.

Friday, 1 November 2013

Wednesday, 30 October 2013

ELAF Group Read - The Wine Badge


Wow. Getting passed the the previous chapters is a struggle. I've mentioned before that this is only the third book in my life that I have cried in. I'm not a crier, but these chapters still get to me. Lori's writing is so relatable. It's just so easy to slip into Emi's head and sob with her.

And the heartache is not over, but you can glimpse light peaking over the horizon.


ELAG Group Read - The Tissue Box Badge


Oh help. 

Ms Otto really is evil. She made us all think everything was fine, only to rip our hearts out later. We were so hopeful...

ELAF Group Read - The Giraffe Badge


This is now the third or fourth time I've read this book. And I still find my tummy in knots reading the last few pages. 

It doesn't get any easier, even though I know that good times are coming. And there's no way the good can come without the bad first.

I'm bracing myself for what I know I will be facing in Time Stands Still.

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

ELAF Group Read - The Flower Badge

Oh man, I suck so bad... One week (not even) left of the group read and I have finally earned badge number.... Four. 

Yep, number four of twelve. Go me.

Anywhoodle, I have pledged to catching up and catch up I shall! Just you watch.

I love and hate this chapter (chapter 12 of Lost and Found) because Nate acts like a douche. He really does, and as a reader you kind of cover your eyes and grit your teeth through it all, watching him be all douchey. BUT, Nate realizes it. And the end of this chapter forces him to take a long hard look at himself, and he comes out of it the man we all know he really is. 


Monday, 30 September 2013

ELAF Photo Challenge - Day 30

Day 30 - Team spirit.

Sigh.  This is the last day of the photo challenge.  I have enjoyed it SO much!  And I'm sad it's over.  BUT the group read is still happening so ONWARDS!


For more information on the photo challenge, go here:

If you want more information on the group read go here:

Sunday, 29 September 2013

ELAF Photo Challenge - Day 29

Day 29 - The scene in Never Look Back that brought out the tissues.

 Happy tears.



Saturday, 28 September 2013

ELAF Photo Challenge - Day 28

Day 28 - The most romantic thing Jack said.

Again, just one of many. 

Best book guy


Friday, 27 September 2013

ELAF Photo Challenge - Day 27

Day 27 - Favourite city mentioned in the series

Now, I don't have one seeing as I've never been to any of the places mentioned in the books. But if I could choose one to visit, it'd be Dallas cause then I'd be close enough to visit Lori :)

 Not a world traveller.

Thursday, 26 September 2013

ELAF Photo Challenge - Day 26

Day 26 - Most hated character 

  I have a theme going for krazy Kiersten.

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Tuesday, 24 September 2013

ELAF Photo Challenge - Day 24

Day 24 - Your favourite scene of Jack's

 Just one of many


Sunday, 22 September 2013

Saturday, 21 September 2013

ELAF Group Read & Photo Challenge Day 21


I've made it to the third badge! I'm on a little bit of a holiday for the next three days, an extra long weekend I gave myself, so hopefully, I will make some real progress now.

This 'Pow' badge comes at a pretty upsetting time in the first book. Nate has gotten himself into a little bit of trouble by losing himself to passion. Again. That boy...

Many of the readers are very anti Nate's girlfriend in this stage of the book. I don't really think Samantha deserves quite that much derision. I see her as highly naive but not really manipulative.

Anywhoodle, onwards!

Day 21 - Most memorable symbol in the series. 

There are so many memorable symbols, but for me, the most memorable one is a phrase.

I can make a phrase a symbol if I want


Friday, 20 September 2013

ELAF Photo Challenge - Day 20

Day 20 - Your favourite scene of Emi's.

This is one of many, but I just love watching Emi let go!

Team Lush



Thursday, 19 September 2013

ELAF Photo Challenge - Day 19

Day 19 - The best part of Time Stands Still

The gift that keeps on giving


Wednesday, 18 September 2013

ELAF Photo Challenge - Day 18

Day 18 - Least favourite of Nate's girl friends

nuff said

For more information on the photo challenge, go here:

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

ELAF Photo Challenge - Day 17

Day 17 - Your favourite scene of Nate's.

I love this, because this is where Nate took a good hard look at himself and how he was treating Emi,
and didn't like what he saw. This is where Nate became the man he was meant to be.

The original artist of the piece used as the background is Richard Cornwell.

For more information on the photo challenge, go here:


Monday, 16 September 2013

ELAF Group Read & Photo Challenge Day 16

I am so far behind in the group read it's pathetic.  But I made some progress last night and am halfway through chapter 3.  I even earned the second badge without realising it!

The red shirt. He's broken up with someone. Uh oh...

Day 16 - The worst part of Lost and Found

This was so easy.  I mean there are a lot of frustrating or sad or angry making parts in the book.  But this was, without a doubt, the worst part of the book.  And not only because it was the end.


Saturday, 14 September 2013

ELAF Photo Challenge - Day 14

Day 14 - Actors you'd choose for the leads 

Add caption
              This was an easy one.

Monday, 9 September 2013

ELAF Photo Challenge - Day 9

Day 9 - One transcendent kiss

One transcendent kiss
That later makes lovers take
Soft breaths, holding hands

Saturday, 7 September 2013

ELAF Group Read & Photo Challenge Day 7

Today, as part of the group read, I shall start reading the first book in the Emi Lost and Found series; Lost and Found. I am looking forward to visiting with my old friends again.

The theme for today's photo challenge is 'Your favourite book in the series'. This is an almost impossible choice, but I had to choose the second book in the series, Time Stands Still. This is the first book in so many years that has made me cry. I don't cry easily (except for a brief period in my teen years, when I seemed to cry at everything) and Time Stands Still is about the third book I have ever cried in in all my life, and because of that fact, I chose this book.

Get your tissues
If you want more information on the group read go here:

Friday, 6 September 2013

ELAF Group Read Day 1 & Photo Challenge Day 6

*possible SPOILERS on this and all related posts*

Today the group re-read of the Emi Lost and Found Series starts, tying up nicely with the ELAF Photo Challenge.

The re-read begins with the prequel, Not Today, But Someday.  It seems that the fans of this series are split between whether to read the prequel after the series, or before. I myself am glad that I read it after. I just really enjoyed going back in time and visiting with these guys after I knew how their story ended. The prequel takes us through how Emi Hennigan and Nate Wilson first met, and how they became best friends.

I am currently at 60% on my Kindle App in Not Today, But Someday and thoroughly enjoying myself.  And I'm four chapters away from achieving my first button! Go Me!  It's been such a treat getting into this story again. For those interested, Nate has just got home from school and is getting ready to paint, with some Nine Inch Nails in the background :) 

Starting the re-read today gave me some great ideas for today's photo challenge too!

Day 6 - Emi as a teenager 
Sugar 'n Spice

If you want more information on the group read go here:


Wednesday, 4 September 2013

ELAF Photo Challenge - Day 4

Day 4 - Nate's Music

All the feels

Songs used for this, that made me think of Nate, are:
  • Angeles by Illiot Smith
  • Doorway by Civil Twilight
  • I Was Broken by Marcus Foster
  • The Mess I Made by Parachute
  • Never Think by Robert Pattinson
  • Let Me Sign by Robert Pattinson
  • Sunburn by Ed Sheeran
  • Song for Emi by Nate Wilson

For more information on the photo challenge, go here:

Sunday, 1 September 2013

ELAF Photo Challenge - Day 1

The author of one of my favourite series, Emi Lost and Found, and a very good friend of mine, has started this fun photo challenge for the month of September, as well as a read-a-long.  As my blog has been pretty quiet lately, I thought it would be awesome to post about this.

So let's just jump right in!

Day 1: Your favourite lead character

Emi Hennigan

For more information on the photo challenge, go here: